Holiday Hotels & Rooms Athens Greece

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Triple Standard Room

Room Facilities:

No balcony, available only with window.

Double & Single bed / 3 Single beds
Central controlled air condition/heating
Fully stoked mini bar
Electronic safe-box free of charge
Hairdryer and bathroom amenities
Satellite 32 inch TV.
Telephone in the main room and bathroom
Internet connection free of charge
Tea & Coffee facility

As of January 1st, 2024, and in accordance with the new legislation passed by the Greek Government, a Climate Crisis Resilience Fee of three (3,00) Euros per room per night will be imposed from November till March, and ten (10,00) Euros per room per night will be imposed from April till October, and our Hotel operates as a sole collector on behalf of the Government. Kindly note that this fee may change in the future.

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Athens Cypria Hotel Athens Cypria Hotel Athens Cypria is a 4 star hotel in Athens City near Acropolis View and Plaka, offering Cheap accommodation in Greece. Make a online reservation today.